Hannes Löser [syn. Loeser, Loser]

Investigador Titular B

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Instituto de Geología
Estación Regional del Noroeste

Hermosillo, Sonora, México
Phone +52 (662) 217-50-19


Sabbatical year

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Postal address (books, samples) : please ask! If you send any material to Mexico, import taxes are charged.
Even for used books I had to pay a high importation tax.

Research topics

  • Post-Palaeozoic coral taxonomy, systematics, evolution, distribution, diversity, and biostratigraphy
  • Database application and data visualization in palaeontology
  • Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of nerineid gastropods (not much progress because of too many coral faunas sent to me)
  • Taxonomy of Early Cretaceous Orbitolinid Foraminifera (Data base)
  • Cretaceous ... regional geology, palaeontology, stratigraphy and facies

Research subjects

  • Description of Mesozoic/Cenozoic coral faunas from here, there and everywhere
  • Taxonomic revision of various Cretaceous coral families down to the genus level
  • Taxonomic revision of various Cretaceous coral genera down to the species level

Works in progress

Publications on Cretaceous coral faunas and revisions of coral families/genera from all over the world are always in preparation, submitted and in press. These are the topics I am currently working on:
  • The Hauterivian coral fauna of the Paris Basin (France) is envisaged as a monographic work. Large "monolithic" books became more important to me during the last years.
  • Early Cretaceous coral faunas from Mexico (Sonora, Puebla, Baja California). Partly carried out by my students.
  • Large coral faunas from the Albian and Cenomanian of Spain now under preparation for publishing.
  • More and more Paleogene coral faunas, currently from the Alps (Germany), Mexico, and Northern Spain.
  • Late Cretaceous to Oligocene coral faunas of Costa Rica (carried out as a COVID compatible masters project by a student)
  • Late Jurassic coral faunas from Saal and Nattheim (both southern Germany) are under consideration.

People often ask me whether I can determine coral samples for them. At least I can try. Since the amount of the samples increased in the last years, I kindly ask you to lookup these instructions. - Other persons ask me whether we can publish a coral fauna together. Of course we can. Please lookup the procedure.

Publications (published or in press)

Do not hesitate to ask for PDFs. PDFs of free articles are linked in the above pages.

Software development

  • PaleoTax/Database – database to record taxonomic, geographic, stratigraphic data. Newest version 2.5.2 was published May 2023.
  • PalCol – application for palaeontological collections. Service Release 8 was published in May 2021.
  • Oliva – application for extant marine material, designated for mollusks. Service Release 4 was published in May 2023. It comes with a detailed manual.
  • PaleoTax/Map – PaleoTax GIS extension to plot localities or taxa
  • PaleoTax/Graph – PaleoTax Graphic extension to visualize results of data analysis. Version 2.5 from May 2023 was improved, and the manual was extended.
  • PaleoTax/Measure – programme to measure two dimensional fossils (and count things like septa or pores or leafs) and calculate average, standard deviation, first interval etc. - Current version is 1.8 that was released in May 2022 including a new manual. There is also a manual in the German language for version 1.6.


  • Invertebrate palaeontology
  • Micropalaeontology and microfacies
  • Research methods in palaeontology (short course)
  • Databasing in palaeontology (short course)
  • Scleractinian coral morphology, methods, taxonomy (short course)
  • Database programming (short course)


  • Paleontología de invertebrados
  • Micropaleontología y ambiente
  • Metodología de investigacón en paleontología (curso corto)
  • Base de datos en paleontología (curso corto)
  • Escleractinias - morfología, métodos, taxonomía (curso corto)
  • Programación de base de datos (curso corto)
Curso corto (25h) Junio de 2025 en la Facultad de Ciencias en la CDMX – Evolución, morfología, taxonomía y metodología de los corales post paleozoicos (Scleractinia).


I work with students (B.S., M.S., PhD) on the following topics
  • Fossil and extant coral taxonomy
  • Extant marine mollusks (taxonomy, morphometry)
  • Invertebrate palaeontology and micropalaeontology
  • Biostratigraphy
  • Statistics in biology, palaeontology and geology
Postgraduate students need to inscribe in the UNAM (geology) or the Universidad de Sonora (biology) and I must be principal advicer. My university does not recognise my role as external director or advicer.


Trabajo con estudiantes (Licenciatura, Maestría, Doctorado) en los campos siguentes
  • Taxonomía de corales fósiles y recientes
  • Moluscos marinos (taxonomía, morfometría)
  • Paleontología de invertebrados y micropaleontología
  • Bioestratigrafía
  • Estadística en biología, paleontología y geología
Estudiantes del posgrado deben de inscribir se en la UNAM (posgrado de ciencias de la tierra) o en la Unison (posgrado de biología) y yo debo estar el director principal. La UNAM no reconoce mi papel como director externo.
List of students - who have worked / are working with me, and on what.

Informaciones para estudiantes (estancia de investigación, práctica profesional, servicio social, tesis).


  • Born in Dresden ([former East-]Germany)
  • Diplôme de Recherches Doctorales (Diplôme de 3ème cycle) Université Nancy (1994)
  • Ph.D. Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (1999)
  • Inv.Tit. B T.C., Inv.Nac. II (S.N.I.)
  • Lives in Hermosillo, Col. Valle Verde
  • Research Fellow, Non-vertebrate Paleontology Lab, University of Texas
  • Member of the editorial boards / co-editor of various national and international journals

Where we can probably see next time ...

  • Puebla, Mexico, March 2025.
  • ... and in the backyard of my house in Hermosillo.

[15 March 2024]