Hannes Löser

Publications on Mesozoic corals



  1. Löser, H. & Wilmsen, M. 2024. Lower Cenomanian (Cretaceous) corals from Cóbreces (Cantabria, northern Spain). Part 3: families Microsolenidae, Negoporitidae, and Synastreidae. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 311/2, 141-164; Stuttgart. DOI 10.1127/njgpa/2024/1187
  2. Löser, H. 2024. Cretaceous Corals. – [In:] Guerrero-Arenas, R. & Jiménez Hidalgo, E. [Eds.]: Unveiling the past environments of a megadiverse country through its fossil record. New York, N.Y. (Springer). 19 pp.
  3. Löser, H., Wetzel, A. & Hostettler, B. 2024. Callovian corals from the Swiss Jura. – Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 143, article 3: 19 pp. DOI 10.1186/s13358-023-00298-y — PDF


  1. Löser, H., Werner, W. & Darga, R. Middle Cenomanian coral fauna from the Roßsteinalmen (Northern Calcareous Alps, Bavaria, Southern Germany) – a revised and extended version. – Zitteliana, 97, 89-147. DOI 10.3897/zitteliana.97.113796 — PDF.
  2. Samaniego-Pesqueira, A., Löser, H. & Moreno Bedmar, J.A. 2023. Middle Albian corals from the Espinazo del Diablo Formation (Cretaceous; Lampazos area, Sonora, Mexico). – Bulletin of Geosciences, 98, 2: 111-159. DOI 10.3140/bull.geosci.1872 — PDF
  3. León-Olvera, R.G. et al. 2023. Primer registro de Columactinastraea formosa Goldfuss, 1829 (Scleractinia) para el Atlántico occidental. – Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 75, 2, A31052: 1-11. DOI 10.18268/BSGM2023v75n2a310523 — PDF.
  4. Löser, H. & Wilmsen, M. 2023. Lower Cenomanian (Cretaceous) corals from Cóbreces (Cantabria, northern Spain). Part 2: family Latomeandridae. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 307, 3: 277-304; Stuttgart.
  5. Girod, P. & Löser, H. 2023. Korallen. – [In:] Schneider, C. & Girod, P. [Eds.]: Fossilien aus dem Campan von Hannover. 4. Aufl. p. 106-135, Arbeitskreis Paläontologie Hannover; Hannover.


  1. Löser, H. 2022. A new coral family and three new genera (Scleractinia) from the Lower Cretaceous of Puebla and Sonora, Mexico. – Revista mexicana de ciencias geologicas, 39,3: 220-229; Mexico City. DOI 10.22201/cgeo.20072902e.2022.3.1698 — PDF
  2. Löser, H. & Fözy, I. 2022. Late Jurassic corals from the Bakony Mountains (Transdanubian Range, Hungary). – [In:] Fözy, I. et al. (eds) Fauna, biostratigraphy and facies evolution of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous formations in the Bakony Mountains (Transdanubian Range, Hungary, p. 201-214. Szeged (Institute of Geosciences, University of Szeged, GeoLitera Publishing House).
  3. Garberoglio, R.M., Löser, H. & Lazo, D.G. 2022. Lower Cretaceous corals from the Agrio Formation, Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina: Families Latomeandridae, Madreporidae, Thamnasteriidae, and Holocoenia Group. – Cretaceous Research, 135: 105195; Amsterdam.
  4. Löser, H. & Callapaz, P.M. 2022. Upper Cenomanian and lower Turonian (Cretaceous) corals from the Tethyan West Portuguese Carbonate Platform. – Journal of Iberian Geology, 48, 2: 141-162. DOI 10.1007/s41513-022-00186-3
  5. Löser, H. & Wilmsen, M. 2022. Lower Cenomanian (Cretaceous) corals from Cóbreces (Cantabria, northern Spain). Part I: superfamilies Actinastreoidea, Amphiastreoidea, Caryophyllioidea. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 303, 2: 203-218; Stuttgart. DOI 10.1127/njgpa/2022/1043


  1. Löser, H. 2021. Corals from the Early Cretaceous (?Late Valanginian - Early Hauterivien) of Puebla (Mexico) - family Solenocoeniidae. – Paleontología mexicana, 10, 1: 37-51; Mexico City. — PDF
  2. Garberoglio, R.M., Löser, H. & Lazo, D.G. 2021. Lower Cretaceous corals from the Agrio Formation, Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina: Family Columastraeidae. – Cretaceous Research, 124, 104817: 1-19.
  3. Löser, H., Fernández Mendiola, P.A., Pérez-Malo, J., Domínguez Pascual, S. & Cahuzac, B. 2021. Redefinition of the family Rhizangiidae (Scleractinia; Cretaceous to Recent) and description of a new genus from the Early Cretaceous of Spain. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 299, 3: 259-274; Stuttgart.
  4. Löser, H., Nieto, L., Castro, J.M., Reolid, M. A Lower Valanginian coral fauna from the South Iberian Palaeomargin (Internal Prebetic, SE Spain). – Palaeontologia Electronica, 24, 1: 1-57. — PDF


  1. Löser, H., Mendicoa, J. & Fernández Mendiola, P.A. 2020. Early Aptian corals from Peñascal (Bilbao; N Spain). – Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 35, 2: 209-228. — PDF
  2. Garberoglio, R.M., Löser, H. & Lazo, D.G. 2020. Early Cretaceous corals from the Agrio Formation, Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina: Family Actinastraeidae. – Cretaceous Research, 114.
  3. Löser, H. 2020. Regional persistence of the extant coral genus Stephanocoenia in the Western Hemisphere since the Early Cretaceous. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 94, 1: 17-39


  1. Löser, H., Heinrich, M. & Schuster, U. 2019b. Corals from Rußbach and Gosau (Coniacian-Santonian; Austria). English abridged version. – 117 pp., 101 figs.; Dresden (CPress Verlag). — PDF for free.
  2. Löser, H., Heinrich, M. & Schuster, U. 2019a. Korallen von Rußbach und Gosau (Coniac-Santon; Österreich). – VI, 367 pp., 1195 figs.; Dresden (CPress Verlag).
     Book review Leitfossil.de (2019) 12 p.
     — Steinkern, Vol. 41 (2020) p. 10-11.
     — Fossilien, Issue 6 (2019) p. 63-64.
     — GMit, Issue 80 (2020) p. 86-87.
  3. Löser, H., Arias, C. & Vilas, L. 2019. Upper Valanginian to Lower Hauterivian coral faunas from the Sierra Larga (Prebetic zone, SE Spain). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 292, 3: 259-290; Stuttgart.


  1. Löser, H. & Heinrich, M. 2018. New coral genera and species from the Rußbach and Gosau area (Upper Cretaceous; Austria). – Palaeodiversity 11: 127-149.  —  PDF — German version.
  2. Löser, H. 2018. Fossile Korallen aus Jura und Kreide. Aufbau, Klassifikation, Bestimmung und Fundmöglichkeiten. 2. Aufl. – VI, 198 pp.; Dresden (CPress Verlag).
  3. Löser, H., Steuber, Th., Löser, C. 2018. Early Cenomanian coral faunas from Nea Nikopoli (Kozani, Greece; Cretaceous). – Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, 18, 3: 23-121. — PDF
  4. Hernández Morales & Löser, H. 2018. Revision of the family Helioporidae (Helioporacea, Anthozoa; Cretaceous – Extant). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 287/3: 351-363.


  1. Löser, H. 2017. Taxonomy and distribution of the coral genus Placophora (Cretaceous; Scleractinia). – Zitteliana, 89: 151-160. — PDF
  2. Löser, H. & Bilotte, M. 2017. Taxonomy of a platy coral association from the Late Cenomanian of the southern Corbières (Aude, France). – Annales de Paléontologie, 103: 3-17.
  3. Beresi, M.S., Cabaleri, N.G., Löser, H., Armella, C. 2017. Coral patch reef system and associated facies from southwestern Gondwana: paleoenvironmental evolution of the Oxfordian shallow-marine carbonate platform at Portada Covunco, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. – Facies 63, 4: 1-22.


  1. Löser, H. 2016e. Systematic part. – Catalogue of Cretaceous Corals, 4: 1-710, 1763 figs. — more information
     Book review (2017) Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, II, 3/6, p. 360-361.
  2. Löser, H. 2016d. Taxonomy and distribution of the Cretaceous coral genus Eosiderastrea. – Carnets de Géologie 16, 16: 383-416. — PDF
  3. Löser, H. 2016c. The Cretaceous corals from the Bisbee Group (Sonora, Mexico; Late Barremian - Early Albian) : suborder Heterocoeniina. – Paleontología mexicana 1, 5: 41-51. — PDF
  4. Löser, H. & Zell, P. 2016. Late Aptian corals from the South Iberian Sub-Basin (Cretaceous; Eastern Spain). – Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 29, 1: 3-20. — PDF
  5. Löser, H. & Fözy, I. 2016. Asteroseris from the Bersek Marl (Gerecse Mountains, Hungary; Early Cretaceous; Anthozoa). – Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 32: 3-10. — PDF
  6. Löser, H. 2016b Early evolution of the coral family Siderastraeidae (Scleractinia). – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 90, 1: 1-17.
  7. Löser, H. 2016a. Remarks on the genus Angelismilia Reig, 1988 (Scleractinia, Early Cretaceous). – Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, 21: 29-33. — PDF
  8. Löser, H. & Sklenar, J. 2016. The Scleractinian coral genus Glenarea (Cretaceous). – Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae (B) Historia Naturalis Praha, 71, 3/4: 365-376. — PDF


  1. Löser, H. 2015d. The Cretaceous corals from the Bisbee Group (Sonora; Late Barremian-Early Albian): Solenocoeniidae. – Paleontologia mexicana, 4, 2: 13-24. — PDF
  2. Löser, H. 2015c. Die Gattung Moltkia (Gorgonacea, Cnidaria) in der Sächsischen Oberkreide (Deutschland). – Geologica Saxonica, 60, 3: 427-434. — PDF
  3. Löser, H. 2015b. Revision of the genus Pseudocunnolites (Scleractinia; Late Cretaceous). – Batalleria, 22: 7-9.
  4. Löser, H. 2015a. Coraux. – In: Morel N. (coord.) Stratotype Cénomanien. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris ; Biotope, Mèze, 384 p. (Patrimoine géologique ; 6), p. 280-282.
  5. Löser, H. & Zell, P. 2015. Revision of the family Columastraeidae (Scleractinia; Cretaceous). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 277, 2: 153-166.
  6. Löser, H., Arias, C., Vilas, L. 2015. Aptian-Albian coral faunas from the Sierra del Carche (Prebetic, Murcia, Southern Spain). – Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 30, 1: 43-64. — PDF

  1. Löser, H. 2014d. Nomenclatural note about the fossil coral genus Coelosmilia (Cretaceous) – Palaeodiversity 7: 129-132. — PDF
  2. Löser, H. 2014c. 3. Korallen / 3. Corals. – [In:] Niebuhr, B. & Wilmsen, M. [Eds.]: Kreide-Fossilien in Sachsen, Teil 1. Geologica Saxonica, 60, 1: 17-56. — PDF
  3. Löser, H. 2014b. Revision of the Cretaceous coral family Agatheliidae. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 273/3: 299-318.
  4. Löser, H. 2014a. The genus Brachyseris Alloiteau 1946/47 and remarks on Latimaeandraraea felixi Angelis d'Ossat, 1905 (Scleractinia; Cretaceous). – Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, 20: 15-20. — PDF

  1. Löser, H., Vilas, L., Arias, C., Ruiz-Ortiz, P.A., Castro, J.M. & de Gea, G.A. 2013. An Early Aptian coral fauna from the Prebetic (Southern Spain). – Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 28, 2: 193-214. — PDF
  2. Löser, H., Werner, W. Darga, R. 2013. A Middle Cenomanian coral fauna from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Bavaria, Southern Germany) - new insights into the evolution of Mid-Cretaceous corals. – Zitteliana A53: 37-76; Munich. — PDF
  3. Löser, H. 2013j. Critical review of the Trochoidomeandridae family (Scleractinia; Cretaceous) and the genera Felixigyra, Rhipidomeandra, Trochoidomeandra, and Wellsimeandra. – Palaeodiversity 6: 9-21; Stuttgart. — PDF
  4. Löser, H. 2013i. Revision of the family Felixaraeidae (Scleractinia; Cretaceous). – Geodiversitas, 35, 4: 775-793
  5. Löser, H., Castro, J.M. & Nieto, L.M. 2013. Late Albian Scleractinian corals from the Prebetic zone (SE Spain). – Palaeontographica 301, 1/2: 1-62; Stuttgart.
  6. Löser, H. 2013h. The Late Cretaceous coral genus Hydnophoropsis. – Batalleria 19: 24-40, 4 pls.; Barcelona.
  7. Löser H. 2013g. The Cretaceous corals from the Bisbee Group (Sonora; Late Barremian - Early Albian) : genus Stelidioseris (Actinastraeidae). – Paleontologia mexicana, 63: 79-89. — PDF
  8. Löser H. et al. 2013. Corals from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian - Early Albian) of Puebla (Mexico) - Introduction and family Stylinidae. – Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas; 30, 2: 385-403. — PDF
  9. Löser H. 2013f. Taxonomy and distribution of the Early Cretaceous coral genus Actinastraeopsis. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. 269, 1: 189-202.
  10. Löser H. 2013e. Revision of the Hauterivian (Early Cretaceous) Corals of the Paris Basin, France: a work in progress. – Bulletin d'information des géologues du Bassin de Paris 50, 1; 17-24; Paris.
  11. Löser, H. 2013d. Revision of the family Asteroseriidae (Anthozoa, Scleractinia, Cretaceous). – Geodiversitas 35, 1: 23-31. — PDF
  12. Löser, H. 2013c. Morphology and taxonomy of the genus Valloria (Scleractinia; Late Cretaceous). – Batalleria, 18: 25-27.
  13. Löser, H. 2013b. An Early Albian shallow marine coral fauna from Southern France - insight into evolution and palaeobiogeography of Cretaceous corals. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 93, 1: 1-43.
  14. Löser, H. 2013a. Late Aptian (Cretaceous) corals from Central Greece. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 267, 1: 89-116; Stuttgart.

  1. Löser, H. 2012i. Podoseris - a poorly known solitary coral from the Albian of England (Scleractinia). – Palaeodiversity, 5: 7-11; Stuttgart. — PDF
  2. Löser, H. 2012h. Corals from the Maastrichtian Ocozocoautla Formation (Chiapas, Mexico) - a closer look. – Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas, 29, 3: 534-550; Mexico City. — PDF
  3. Löser, H. 2012g. Revision of the family Amphiastraeidae from the Monti d'Ocre area (Scleractinia; Early Cretaceous). – Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia, 118, 3: 461-469; Milano.
  4. Löser, H. 2012f. Intraspecific variation in the genus Stelidioseris (family Actinastraeidae, suborder Archeocaeniina, order Scleractinia; Jurassic-Cretaceous). – Geologica Belgica, 15, 4: 382-387; Brussels. — PDF – Tables are for any reason not included in the paper, you may download them here.
  5. Löser, H. 2012e. Revision of the family Hemiporitidae (Scleractinia, Late Cretaceous). – Geodiversitas 34, 2: 399-407.
  6. Bover-Arnal, T., Löser, H., Moreno-Bedmar, J.A., Salas, R., Strasser, A. 2012. Corals on the slope (Aptian, Maestrat Basin, Spain). – Cretaceous Research, 37: 43-64
  7. Löser, H. 2012d. Taxonomy, distribution and diversity of the genus Placocoenia (Scleractinia; Late Cretaceous). – Batalleria, 17: 20-31.
  8. Löser, H. 2012c. The type of Aplosmilia vidali Angelis d’Ossat, 1905 (Scleractinia; Early Cretaceous). – Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, 18: 5-7; Barcelona.
  9. Löser, H. 2012b. Campanian corals from Bayburt (Turkey). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 264, 1: 20-29; Stuttgart.
  10. Löser, H. 2012a. Revision of Actinastrea, the most common Cretaceous coral genus. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 86, 1: 15-22.

  1. Löser, H. 2011e. Revision of the coral genera Neocoenia and Helladastraea from the Cretaceous of Greece. – Palaeodiversity, 4: 7-15; Stuttgart. — PDF (2.6MB)
  2. Löser, H. 2011d. Systematic revision of the Placocoeniidae (Scleractinia; Late Cretaceous). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 261: 195-200; Stuttgart.
  3. Löser, H. 2011c. Revision of the Microsaraea species from the Monti d'Ocre area (Scleractinia; Early Cretaceous). – Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia Milano 117, 2: 347-352; Milano.
  4. Löser, H. 2011b. The Cretaceous corals from the Bisbee Group (Sonora; Late Barremian - Early Albian) : introduction and family Aulastraeoporidae. – Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas, 28, 2: 254-261. — PDF (250KB).
  5. Löser, H. 2011a. Remarks on the Scleractinian coral genus Anisoria Vidal, 1917. – Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona 17: 7-10; Barcelona.

  1. Löser, H. 2010c. Revision of the Cretaceous coral genus Tiarasmilia Wells, 1932 (Scleractinia). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 258, 2: 157-165; Stuttgart.
  2. Löser, H. 2010b. Revision of the Early Cretaceous coral genus Felixigyra and general remarks on the faviid hydnophoroid coral genera. – Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia, 116, 2: 177-188; Milano.
  3. Löser, H. 2010a. The Barremian coral fauna of the Serre de Bleyton mountain range (Drôme, France). – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 112: 575-612, Wien.
  4. Löser, H., Castro, J.M. & Nieto, L.M. 2010. A small Albian coral fauna from the Sierra de Seguilí (Alicante province, SE Spain). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 255, 3: 315-326; Stuttgart.

  1. Khazaei, A.R., Yazdi, M. & Löser, H. 2009. [Paleontology and paleobiogeography of Scleractinian corals in rudist­bearing carbonate units of Tarbur Formation, Semirom section]. – Sedimentary Facies 2, 1: 1-16.
  2. Löser, H. 2009c. Fossile Korallen aus Jura und Kreide. Aufbau, Klassifikation, Bestimmung und Fundmöglichkeiten. – VI, 206 pp.; Dresden (CPress Verlag).
     Book review Müller, W. (2009) Arbeitskreis Paläontologie Hannover, 37, p. 120
     Book review Gregor, H.J. (2009) Documenta naturae, p. 178.
     Book review Schweigert, G. (2010) Fossilien, issue 3.
     Book review Lehmann, J. (2010) Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, II, 1/2, p. 373-375.
  3. Löser, H., Stemann, Th.A. & Mitchell, S.F. 2009. Oldest Scleractinian fauna from Jamaica (Hauterivian, Benbow Inlier). – Journal of Paleontology, 83, 3: 333-349; Lawrence, Kan.
  4. Löser, H. 2009b. Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of the Early Cretaceous coral genus Holocoenia (Scleractinia) and its first record in the Caribbean. – Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 26, 1: 93-103. — PDF
  5. Löser, H. 2009a. Revision of the Scleractinian coral genus Diplocoenia and re-description of the Cretaceous species. – Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia, 115, 1: 49-58; Milano.

  1. Löser, H. 2008d. Remarks on the genus Hexasmilia (Scleractinia; Cretaceous) and description of a new species from the Aptian of Spain. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 250, 1: 45-52; Stuttgart.
  2. Löser, H. 2008c. A new solitary coral genus of the suborder Heterocoeniina (Scleractinia) from the Aptian (Cretaceous) of Spain. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 82, 3: 279-284; Stuttgart.
  3. Löser, H. 2008b. Early Cretaceous coral faunas from East Africa (Tanzania, Kenya; Late Valanginian-Aptian) and revision of the Dietrich collection (Berlin, Germany). – Palaeontographica 285, 1/3: 23-75, 5 pls.; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).
     Book review Riegraf, W. (2009). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, II, 1/2, p. 274-275
  4. Tomás, S., Löser, H. & Salas Roig, R. 2008. Low-light and nutrient-rich coral assemblages in an Upper Aptian carbonate platform of the southern Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, eastern Spain). – Cretaceous Research, 29: 509-534; London.
  5. Löser, H. & Saldana Villodre, J.C. 2008. Colonial corals from the Early Aptian siliciclastic Montlivaltia Marls of Jumilla (Murcia, Spain). – Revista Espanola de Paleontología, 23, 1: 1-6. — PDF
  6. Löser, H. 2008a. Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of the Cretaceous coral genus Aulastraeopora (Late Barremian-Early Cenomanian; Scleractinia). – Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 114, 1: 19-27, 1 pl.

  1. Löser, H. & Minor, K. 2007. Palaeobiogeographic aspects of Late Barremian to Late Albian coral faunas from Northern Mexico (Sonora) and the southern USA (Arizona, Texas) – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 245, 2: 193-218; Stuttgart.
  2. Löser, H. 2007b. Case 3386: Pseudocoenia d’Orbigny, 1850 (Coelenterata, Scleractinia): proposed conservation of usage by the designation of a lectotype for the type species. – Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 64, 2: 79-82.
  3. Löser, H. 2007a. Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of the Cretaceous coral genus Preverastraea (Late Barremian-Cenomanian; Scleractinia). – Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 113, 1: 3-19.

  1. Löser, H. 2006c. Barremian corals from San Antonio Texcala, Puebla, Mexico - A review of the type material of Felix 1891. – Boletín del Instituto de Geología, 114: 1-64 (CD-ROM). — PDF (11 MB)
  2. Löser, H. 2006b. Taxonomy, distribution and palaeobiogeography of the genus Holocystis (Scleractinia; Early Cretaceous). – Revista Mexicana de Sciencias Geológicas, 23, 3: 288-301. — PDF
  3. Löser, H. 2006a. Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of the Cretaceous coral genus Paronastraea (Barremian-Cenomanian; Scleractinia). – Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 112, 1: 131-121, 1 pl.
  4. Löser, H. & Ferry, S. 2006. Coraux du Barrémien du Sud de la France (Ardèche et Drôme). – Geobios, 39, 4: 469-489.

  1. Löser, H. 2005. Stratigraphy of Cretaceous coral genera. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 238: 231-277; Stuttgart.
     Book review Riegraf, W. (2007). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, II, 5/6, p. 825-826
  2. Götz, S., Löser, H. & Schmid, D.U. 2005. Reef development on a deepening platform: two Early Cretaceous coralgal patch reefs (Catí, Llàcova Formation, eastern Spain) compared. – Cretaceous Research, 26: 864-881.
  3. Löser, H. et al. 2005. List of Localities – Catalogue of Cretaceous Corals, 3: 366 pp.; Dresden.
     Book review Riegraf, W. (2005). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, II, 5/6, p. 856-858

  1. Löser & Mohanti, M. 2004. A Cenomanian Coral Assemblage from southern India. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, 10: 577-594.


  1. Löser, H. 2003. Internodien der Gattung Moltkia (Octocorallia) aus einem Maastricht-Geschiebe (Oberkreide) von Niedersachsen (Deutschland). – In: H. Löser & M.Zwanzig (eds.) Berliner Beiträge zur Geschiebeforschung, 2: 99-101, 1 pl.; Dresden.


  1. Löser, H. et al. (2002). List of citations – Catalogue of Cretaceous Corals, 2: 2 vols., 784 pp.; Dresden.
  2. Löser, H. (2002). Verfahren einer von der Taxonomie unabhängigen paläobiogeographischen Analyse post-paläozoischer Korallen. – Mathematische Geologie, 6: 15-43; Dresden.
  3. Löser, H. (2002). Biostratigraphic dating of Cretaceous coral communities using large datasets. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 76, 1: 75-81.
  4. Löser, H., Sugiyama, T. & Mori, K. (2002). Catalog of the Mesozoic corals of Japan. – Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, 2: 1-46; Sendai.
  5. Löser, H., Sugiyama, T. & Mori, K. (2002). Catalog of the Mesozoic corals at the Tohoku University Museum. – Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, 2: 47-76; Sendai.
  6. Löser, H. & Mori, K. (2002). The Jurassic corals from Japan in the Tohoku University Museum collection. – Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, 2: 77-110, 11 pls.; Sendai.
  7. Löser, H. (2002). The Mesozoic corals of the Tohoku University Museum (Sendai, Japan) - an overview. – Coral Research Bulletin, 7: 109-114; Dresden.
  8. Löser, H., Bach, F. & Müller, Arn. (2002). Die Sammlung Mesozoischer und Känozoischer Korallen von Johannes Felix am Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Leipzig. – Leipziger Geowissenschaften, 14: 1-70 pp.; Leipzig.


  1. Löser, H. (2001) Le site de Valliere (departement de l’Aube, France) : resultats preliminaire sur des coraux de l’Hauterivien inferieur (Cretace). – Bulletin annuelle de l'Association geologique de l'Aube, 22: 39-53 pp., 3 pls.; Sainte Savine (Association geologique auboise).
  2. Stolarski, J., Zibrowius, H. & Löser, H. (2001). Antiquity of the scleractinian-sipunculan symbiosis – Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 46, 3: 309-330; Warszawa.
  3. Löser, H. & Liao, Wei-Hua (2001). Cretaceous corals from Tibet (China) - biostratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical aspects. – Asian Journal for Earth Sciences, 19, 5: 661-667; Amsterdam.
  4. Nudds, J.R. & Löser, H. (2001). The fossil cnidarian record. - In: Ezaki, Y., Mori, K. & Sugiyama, T.: (et al.) Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera – Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, 1: 7-22; Sendai.


  1. Löser, H. (2000). Repertoire of Species. - Catalogue of Cretaceous Corals, 1: 1-137; Dresden.
     Book review Oekentorp, K. (2001). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, p. 522
  2. Löser, H. (2000). Korallen der Kreide - jede Menge Daten, aber keine Ergebnisse. Geschichte, Methodik und gegenwärtiger Stand der Forschung. – Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, II, 3/4: 251-289; Stuttgart.
  3. Löser, H. (2000). Upper Cretaceous corals from the Ptoon Mountains (Central Greece). – Abhandlungen und Berichte für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte, 21: 49-61, 3 pls.; Magdeburg.
  4. Löser, H. (2000). Additional remarks on "Astrea ramosa" (Scleractinia; Cretaceous). – Abhandlungen und Berichte für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte, 21: 73-74; Magdeburg.


  1. Löser, H. (1999). Scleractinian corals described as sponges, hydrozoans, rudists, or Palaeozoic corals. - Fossil Cnidaria & Porifera 28, 2: 20-22; Graz.
  2. Löser, H. (1998). About an "inappropriate relationship" between Clausastrea and Dimorpharaea (Scleractinia; Lower Cretaceous). – Fossil Cnidaria & Porifera newsletter, 27, 2: 40-43; Graz.
  3. Löser, H. (1998). Remarks on the Aulastraeoporidae and the genus Aulastraeopora (Scleractinia; Cretaceous) with the description of a new species. – Abhandlungen und Berichte für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte, 20: 59-75, 3 pls.; Magdeburg.
  4. Löser, H. (1998). Lower Campanian corals from Amasya (Turkey). – Abhandlungen und Berichte für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte, 20: 77-87, 1 pl.; Magdeburg.
  5. Löser, H. (1998). Adelocoenia versus Pseudocoenia - some rectifications. – Fossil Cnidaria & Porifera newsletter, 27, 1: 29-32; Graz.
  6. Löser, H. (1998). Die Korallen der Sächsischen Oberkreide - eine Zwischenbilanz und Bemerkungen zu Korallenfaunen des Cenomans. – Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden, 43; Leipzig.
  7. Löser, H. (1998). Cretaceous corals - state of knowledge and current research. – Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, 1, 11/12; Stuttgart.
  8. Loser, H. & Stolarski, J. (1997): Les scléractiniaires solitaires de la carrière du Gaty (Crétacé: Albien moyen, Géraudot, départment de l'Aube, France). – Bulletin annuelle de l'Association géologique de l'Aube, 17/18: 30-37, 2 pls.; Sainte Savine (Association géologique auboise).
  9. Löser, H. (1997): Korallen in mesozoischen und känozoischen Glazialgeschieben Nordost-Deutschlands. [In:] Zwanzig, M. (ed.) Berliner Beiträge zur Geschiebeforschung. – p. 101-111, pl. 18-19; Dresden.
  10. Löser, H. (1996): A new octocoral from the Upper Cretaceous of east Bavaria. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, 8: 485-489; Stuttgart.
  11. Löser, H. & M.Raeder (1995): Aptian/Albian coral assemblages of the Helicon Mountains (Boeotia, Greece): palaeontological, palaeoecological and palaegeographical aspects. - Coral Research Bulletin, 4: 41-70; Dresden.


  1. Löser, H. (1994): (ed.) The Mesozoic Corals. Bibliography 1758-1993. - Coral Research Bulletin, 1: 97 pp.; Dresden. – Updates are available from http//www.cp-v.de/crb.
  2. Löser, H. (1994): La faune corallienne du mont Kassenberg à Mülheim-sur-la-Ruhr (bassin crétacé de Westphalie, Nord Ouest Allemagne). – Coral Research Bulletin, 3: 93 pp., 14 pls.; Dresden.
  3. Löser, H. (1993): Morphologie und Taxonomie der Gattung Pseudopolytremacis. - Courier. Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg 164: 211-220, 4 figs., 2 pls.; Frankfurt/M.
  4. Löser, H. & B.Rosen (1993): International Working Group on Scleractinian Corals. First Meeting in Paris on 25th-26th June 1993. – Fossil Cnidaria & Porifera 22, 2: 45-49; Münster.
  5. Melnikowa, G., E.Roniewicz & H.Loeser (1993): New microsolenid genus Eocomoseris (Scleractinia; Early Lias - Cenomanian). - Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 63: 3-12, 2 pls. Krakow.
  6. Turnsek, D. & H.Löser (1993): The history of Mesozoic coral research after 1940. - Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg 164: 37-46; Frankfurt/M.
  7. Löser, H. (1993): Morphologie und Taxonomie der Gattung Mixastraea Roniewicz 1976 (Scleractinia; Jura-Kreide). - Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 9: 103-110, 1 pl.; Berlin.
  8. Beauvais, L. C.Chaix, B.Lathuilière, H.Löser & B.Rosen (1993): Termes morphologiques utilisés pour décrire les Scléractiniaires: liste préliminaire. – Fossil Cnidaria & Porifera 22, 2: 50-72; Münster.
  9. Löser, H. (1992): The current Systematics of the Scleractinia. - Fossil Cnidaria, International Newsletter 21, 1.1: 21-37; Münster.
  10. Löser, H. (1991): Bibliography of Mesozoic Corals. - Fossil Cnidaria, International Newsletter 20, 1.2: 1-35; Münster.


  1. Löser, H. (1989): Die Korallen der Sächsischen Oberkreide, Teil 1. - Abhandlungen des Staatl. Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden, 36: 88-154, 183-186, 209-215, 50 figs., pl.21-27; Leipzig.
  2. Löser, H. (1987): Zwei neue Gattungen der Korallen aus der Sächsischen Oberkreide. - Véstnik UUG, 62,4: 233-237, 2 pls.; Praha.

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