Hannes Löser
Chesnel, V., López-Murillo, E., Löser, H. & Velázquez-Heras, J.E. 2024. Puerto Níspero, a Maastrichtian carbonate platform in Costa Rica. – Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 141, 104953: 1-20; Amsterdam.
- Steuber, T., Löser, H., Mutterlose, J. & Parente, M. 2023. Biogeodynamics of Cretaceous marine carbonate production. – Earth-Science Reviews 104341: 1-23; Amsterdam. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104341
- Salamon, K., Kolodziej, B. & Löser, H. 2021 Diverse nature of ubiquitous microborings in Cenomanian corals (Saxonian Cretaceous Basin, Germany). – Cretaceous Research, 126, 104888: 1-12.
Reolid, M., Molina, J.M., Löser, H., Navarro, V. & Ruiz-Ortiz, P.A. 2009. Coral biostromes of the Middle Jurassic from the Subbetic (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain): facies, coral taxonomy, taphonomy and palaeoecology. – Facies, 55, 4: 575 - 593.
González León, C. M., Scott, R.W., Löser, H., Lawton, T.F., Robert, E. & Valencia, V.A. 2008. Upper Aptian-Lower Albian Mural Formation: stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and depositional cycles on the Sonoran shelf, northern México. – Cretaceous Research, 29: 249-266; London.
Scott, R.W., Molineux, A., Löser, H. & Mancini, E.A. 2007. Lower Albian Sequence Stratigraphy and Coral Buildups: Glen Rose Formation, Texas. – [In:] Scott, R.W. [Ed.]: Cretaceous rudists and carbonate platforms: environmental feedback. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM). Special Publications, 87: 181-191; Tulsa, Okla.
Löser, H. 2006. Palaeobiogeography and diversity changes in Cretaceous invertebrates. – XI Congreso Geológico Chileno, 7 a 11 de agosto de 2006, Antofagasta. 1: 69-72; Antofagasta.
Zamora Rojas, G., Löser, H. & Wilke, H.-G. 2006. Estratigrafía y microfacies de la Caliza Mural (Grupo Bisbee), en la Sierra San José, norte de Sonora, México. -- [In:] XI Congreso Geológico Chileno, 7 a 11 de agosto de 2006, Antofagasta. 1: 139-142; Antofagasta.
Scott, R.W., Molineux, A. & Löser, H. 2005. Field trip stop 2: Glen Rose Biostromes, the Narrows Blanco River, Hays County. – [In:] Filkorn, H.F. et al. [Eds.]: Seventh International Congress on Rudists. Abstracts and post-congress field guide. p. 143-150.
Löser, H. & Decrouez, D. 2000. Stratigraphy of selected Cretaceous coral localities in Northern Spain. –
Abhandlungen und Berichte für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte, 21: 63-71, 1 pl.; Magdeburg.
Löser, H. 1994. Die Korallenfauna des Kassenberges in Mülheim/Ruhr (Westfälisches Kreidebecken; NW-Deutschland; Oberkreide) (1) Geologie und Palökologie. – Coral Research Bulletin 2: 1-19, 8 pls.; Dresden.
Kienel, U. & Löser, H. 1994. Bemerkungen zu kalkigen Nannofossilien vom Kassenberg und ihre stratigraphische Aussage (Westfälisches Kreidebecken; NW-Deutschland; Oberkreide). – Coral Research Bulletin 2: 21-23, 1 pl.; Dresden.
Löser, H. 1985. Marsupites testudinarius - ein fast vollständiger Kelch aus dem Subhercyn. – Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften, 13, 4: 537-538; Berlin.
- Madhavaraju, J., Scott, R.W., Kandasamy, S., Yong Il, Lee & Löser, H. 2021. Isotopic Chemostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy, Lower Cretaceous Alisitos Formation (Punta China section), Baja California, Mexico. – Geological Journal, 56, 5: 2550-2570.
- Madhavaraju, J., Saucedo-Samaniego, J.C., Löser, H., Espinoza-Maldonado, I.G., Solari, L., Monreal, R., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J. & Jaques-Ayala, C. 2019. Detrital zircon record of Mesozoic volcanic arcs in the Lower Cretaceous Mural Limestone, northwestern Mexico. –
Geological Journal, 54, 4: 2621-2645.
- Madhavaraju, J., Löser, H., Scott, R.W., Sandeep, S., Sial, A.N. & Ramasamy, S. 2017. Petrography, geochemistry and stable isotopes of carbonate rocks, Lower Cretaceous Alisitos Formation, Los Torotes section, Baja California, Mexico. – Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas, 34, 2: 63-77; Mexico City.
Madhavaraju, J., Löser, H., Lee, Y.I., Lozano Santacruz, R. & Pi-Puig, T. 2016. Geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous limestones of the Alisitos Formation, Baja California, Mexico: Implications for REE source and paleo-redox conditions. – Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 66: 149-165; Amsterdam.
- Löser, H. 2024. The genus Monoplex Perry, 1810 (Gastropoda, Cymatiidae) in the Gulf of California based on beach observations. – Novapex 25, 1: 11-17.
- Löser, H. 2023. Extension of the geographical distribution of Vasula melones (Duclos, 1832) (Gastropoda: Muricidae) into the Gulf of California, Mexico. – Novapex, 24, 2: 87-90; Bruxelles.
- Löser, H. & Houart, R. 2022. New records and extension of the geographical distribution of Homalocantha oxyacantha (Broderip, 1833) (Gastropoda: Muricidae). – Novapex, 23, 4: 175-178; Bruxelles.
- Houart, R. & Löser, H. 2020. Description of a remarkable and huge new species of Zacatrophon (Muricidae: Ocenebrinae) from the Gulf of California. – Novapex, 21, 1: 43-48; Bruxelles.
Hanske, H. & Löser, H. 2006. Annotated Bibliography on Extant Corals (1758-2002). Coral Research Bulletin, 8: 1-35, map, CD-ROM; Dresden. — More details here.
Book review Dunne, R.P. (2007). Coral Reefs, 26, p. 443-444.
Book review Riegraf, W. (2007). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, II, 5/6, p. 883-884
Book review Schröder, S. (2008). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, II, 5/6, p. 1114-1115
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