Hannes Löser
Selected abstracts (not cited under publications)
- Löser, H., Fernandez-Mendiola, P.A.: Early Albian coral faunas in North Iberia. 31 Jornadas de Paleontología. Baeza, Spain. October 2015. Talk.
- Nieto, L. M., Löser, H., Reolid, M., Castro, J. M.: A species rich lower Valanginian coral fauna from the Prebetic (Puerto Llano section, Sierra del Pozo, Jaén Province, Southern Spain). 31 Jornadas de Paleontología. Baeza, Spain. October 2015. Poster.
- A. Samaniego, H. Löser & J. Moreno: Corales de la Fm Lampazos, Cretácico inferior, Sonora, Mexico. 40 aniversario de la ERNO. Hermosillo, Mexico. November 2014. Poster.
- Löser, H.: High diversity and evolutionary rates in Cretaceous corals under extreme environmental conditions. 4th International Palaeontological Congress. Mendoza, Argentina. September 2014. Invited talk.
- O. Bonilla & H. Löser: Relationship between Alisitos Arc and Bisbee Basin Early Cretaceous coral faunas suggests a marine communication in Northwestern Mexico. 4th International Palaeontological Congress. Mendoza, Argentina. September 2014. Talk.
- Löser, H. & Hernández Morales, H: Persistence of Early Cretaceous corals to Extant. NAPC Gainesville, Fla., 15-18 February 2014. Talk.
- Samaniego Pesqueira, A., H. Löser & Moreno Bedmar, J.: Corales del Albiano Mediano de Sonora. - VIII Congreso Universitario de Biología, Hermosillo, 4-8 November 2013. Talk.
- Löser, H.: La especie morfológica como una unidad entendible y comprobable, un ejemplo en corales fósiles. VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología / XIII Congreso Mexicano de Paleontología, Guanajuato, 23-27 September 2013. Talk.
- Hernández Morales, H. & H. Löser: Persistencia del octocoral Heliopora (Octocorallia, Anthozoa, Coelenterata) desde del Hauteriviano hasta el presente. - VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología / XIII Congreso Mexicano de Paleontología, Guanajuato, 23-27 September 2013. Talk.
- Samaniego Pesqueira, A., H. Löser & Moreno Bedmar, J.: Corales del Albiano Mediano de Sonora. - VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología / XIII Congreso Mexicano de Paleontología, Guanajuato, 23-27 September 2013. Talk.
- Löser, H.: La riqueza de los corales del Cretácico de España. - V Congreso del Cretácico de España, Guadalajara, 8-12 June 2013. Talk.
- T. Bover-Arnal, R. Salas, H. Löser, J.A. Moreno-Bedmar & A. Strasser: Level-bottom coral communities dwelling on slopes (Aptian, Maestrat Basin, Spain).
XX Meeting of the Swiss Sedimentologists. Fribourg, Switzerland, 25 de Febrero de 2012. Poster.
- T. Bover-Arnal, R. Salas, J.A. Moreno-Bedmar, A. Strasser & H. Löser: Outcrop Analogue of Subsurface Carbonate Slope Depositional Systems, Aptian, Maestrat Basin, Spain.
74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012. Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012. Poster.
- T. Bover-Arnal, R. Salas, H. Löser, J.A. Moreno-Bedmar & A. Strasser: Slope-dwelling non-reef-building Aptian corals of the western Maestrat Basin (Spain).
34th International Geological Congress 2012, Brisbane, Australia 5-10 August 2012. Talk.
- H. Löser: Opening of the Western Interior Seaway induced provincialism in Late Cretaceous corals. 5th Congress of the Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, 1-5 September 2012. Talk.
- Löser, H., Castro, J.M. & Nieto, L. (2011) An exotic Late Albian coral fauna from the Prebetic Platform (Betic External Zone, South Spain). - 11th Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Liège, 19-29 August 2011. Poster.
- Löser, H. (2011) Infraspecific variation in actinastreid corals (Scleractinia; Jurassic-Cretaceous) and implications for the species concept. - 11th Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Liège, 19-29 August 2011. Talk.
- Löser, H. (2011): Biodiversidad de corales y nerineas en el Jurásico y Cretácico. - XII Congreso Nacional de Paleontología, Puebla, 21-25 Febrero de 2011. Talk.
- Löser, H. (2011): La fauna coralina del Aptiano de San Juan Raya (Puebla). - XII Congreso Nacional de Paleontología, Puebla, 21-25 Febrero de 2011. Poster.
- Löser, H. (2010): La evolución molecular está volviendo a la paleontología una ciencia obsoleta? - 5 Congreso Universitario de Biología. 10-11 November 2010. Hermosillo, Mexico. Key note lecture.
- Löser, H. (2010): Diversity changes in Nerineid gastropods. - Yearly Meeting of the German Palaeontological Society, 5-8 October 2010. München, Germany. Talk.
- Löser, H. (2010): A working systematic for Mid Jurassic-Cretaceous corals. - Yearly Meeting of the German Palaeontological Society, 5-8 October 2010. München, Germany. Poster.
- Madhavaraju, J. Löser, H., A.N.Sial (2010): Geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous Limestones of Alisitos Formation, Baja California, Mexico. 18th International Sedimentological Congress, 26th September to 1st October, 2010, Mendoza, Argentina.
- Madhavaraju, J. Löser, H., González-León, C. (2008): Geochemistry of clastic rocks of Mural Formation (Aptian-Albian), Northern Mexico. XVIII Congreso Nacional de Geochímica, Hermosillo, 6-10 Octubre de 2008.
- Löser, H. (2007): Los tiempos sin arrecifes, no fueron tiempos de baja diversidad de corales. IV Congreso Mexicano de Arrecifes de Coral, La Paz, 24-36 de Octubre de 2007. Talk.
- C.González, R.Scott, H. Loeser et al.: Upper Aptian-Lower Albian Mural Formation. Stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and depositional cycles on the Sonoran shelf. Ores and Orogenesis. 24-30 de Septiembre de 2007. Tucson, Arizona, EE.UU.
- Löser, H. & Hanske, H. (2006). ¿Dónde estamos y a dónde vamos? - Una mirada a 250 a ños de literatura sobre corales actuales. III Congreso Mexicano de Arrecifes de Coral, 28-30 March 2006 (Cancún, Mexico), Resumenes. p. 27. Poster.
- G. Zamora Rojas, H.Löser, H.G. Wilke. Estratigrafía y microfacies de la Caliza Mural (Grupo Bisbee), en la Sierra San José, norte de Sonora, México. México. XI Congreso geológico Chileno. Antofagasta Agosto 2006.
- H.Löser, C.González-León, R.W.Scott: Bioestratigrafía de la Caliza Mural, Sonora, México. IX Congreso Nacional de Paleontología. México DF Noviembre 2006. - Talk.
- J.J.Jiménez-González, H. Löser, M.J. Avendaño-Gil: Corales del Cretácico Tardío de la Mesa de Copoya (Formación la Angostura, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas) - taxonomía, paleoecología y paleobiogeografía. IX Congreso Nacional de Paleontología. Noviembre 2006. México DF. Talk.
- Löser, H. (2005). Palaeobiogeographic aspects of Early Cretaceous coral faunas from East Africa. - 7th International Symposium on the Cretaceous 5-9 Sept. 2005. Scientific program and abstracts. p. 129-130. Talk.
- Löser, H. & Gonzalez-Leon, C. (2005). : Biostratigraphy of the Late Aptian - Early Albian Mural Formation in Sonora (Mexico). - 7th International Symposium on the Cretaceous 5-9 Sept. 2005. Scientific program and abstracts. p. 129-130. Poster.
- Gonzalez-Leon, C.M., Löser, H., Lawton, T.F., Scott, R.W. Aptian-Albian Mural Limestone facies, biostratigraphy and environments in Sonora, Mexico. - Seventh International Congress on Rudists. Abstracts and post-congress field guide. Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Miscellaneous Publication, 6: p. 35. Poster.
- H. Löser & K. Minor (2005) Palaeobiogeographic distribution of North American Early Cretaceous corals. - Southwest Paleontological Symposium 2005 (Mesa, Arizona, USA). Talk.
- C. González-León, H. Löser & T. Lawton (2005) The Mural Limestone facies and environment in Sonora. - Southwest Paleontological Symposium 2005 (Mesa, Arizona, USA). Talk.
- Löser, H. (2004). Distribución de corales del Cretácico Temprano en el Norte de México (Sonora) y al sur de los Estados Unidos (Texas). - IX Congreso Nacional de Paleontología; Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. Talk.
- Löser, H. (2003) Palaeobiogeographic distribution of Late Aptian to Albian "New World" corals. - 9th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Berichte des Institutes für Geologie und Paläontologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz/Austria, 7: 58. Poster.
- Löser, H. (2003) Cretaceous corals as index fossils ? - 9th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Berichte des Institutes für Geologie und Paläontologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz/Austria, 7: 57. Talk.
- Löser, H. & Steuber, Th. (2002). Korallen und Rudisten in der Kreide - Realisation eines paläobiogeographischen Vergleichs auf der Basis von Computer-Datenbanken mit dem Datenbanksystem PaleoTax. - Schriftenreihe der Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 21: 1 S.
- Löser, H. & Steuber, Th. (2002). Cretaceous corals and rudists - a palaeogeographical comparison of species richness and abundance patterns. - VI International Rudist Congress. Rovinj, Croatia. Geological Institute Zagreb. Poster.
- Loeser, H. (2002) PaleoTax: un sistema de bases de datos par a archivar,
analizar y ordenar datos paleontológicos. - VIII Congreso Nacional de
Paleontología; Guadalajara, Jalisco. Poster.
- Loeser, H. (2001) Diversity patterns of cretaceous corals. -- PaleoBios, 21, Suppl. 2: 85; Berkeley. Talk.
- Löser, H. (2000). Diversity patterns of cretaceous corals. [6th International Cretaceous Symposium]- Abstracts, p. 75.
- Löser, H. (2000). PaleoTax - A database management system to record, estimate and output palaeontological data. [6th International Cretaceous Symposium]- Abstracts, p. 74.
- Steuber, T. & Löser, H. (1999). First results from a palaeontological data base of the Hippuritacea: Species richness and abundance patterns of Tethyan Cretaceous rudists in the central-eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. - In: Höfling, R. & Steuber, T.: (eds.),
Fifth International Congress on Rudists - Abstracts and field trip guides. -- Erlanger geologische Abhandlungen, Sb 3: 70-71; Erlangen.
- Löser, H. (1999). Palaeontology versus Taxonomy ? 8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Tohoku Daigaku. Sendai, Japan, 1999. - Key note lecture.
- Löser, H. (1999). Cretaceous corals through space and time - a palaeobiogeographical analysis. 8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Tohoku Daigaku. Sendai, Japan, 1999. - Oral.
- Nudds, J. & Löser, H. The Fossil Record of Coe-lenterata. 8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Tohoku Daigaku. Sendai, Japan, 1999. - Poster.
- Steuber, Th. & Löser, H. Diversity and abundance patterns of Tethyan Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves (Mollusca: Hippuritacea) in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. The 1999 Lyell Meeting. London, UK, 1999. - Poster.
- Löser, H. (1998). Verbreitungsmechanismen hermatypischer Korallen in der unteren bis mittleren Kreide. -- Terra Nostra, 98/3: V 212; Köln.
- Löser, H. (1998). Biodiversity of Cretaceous reef corals. -- EuroPal, 13: 14; Lyon.
- Steuber, T. & Löser, H. (1997). Cenomanian Coral-rudist Associations near Kozani (Northern Greece). - Al Ain, VAR. - GeoArabia, 2 (4): p. 494; Manama. - Poster.
- Löser. H. (1997). Cretaceous Reef Corals - State of Knowledge and Current Research. - Al Ain, VAR. - GeoArabia, 2 (4): p. 488; Manama. - Talk.
- Löser. H. (1997). Jurassic-Cretaceous carbonate platform-basin systems Middle East models. GSPP/CREER WG 4. Al Ain, V.A.E., 1997. - Hermatypic Coral Distribution in the Cretaceous. - Poster.
- Gradzinski, M, Kolodziej, B. , Löser, H. & Szulc, J., (1997). Ferrugenous microbialites from the Upper Cenomanian transgressive sequence from Saxony, Germany. 3rd IFAA Regional Symposium & IGCP 380 International Meeting, Kraków, 14-20. 09. 1997, Guidebook & Abstracts , p. 70, Kraków.
- Löser. H. (1997). Generalisierung paläontologischer Daten. Jahrestagung. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft (Fachsektion Geoinformatik). Jena, Germany, 1997. - Talk.
- Löser. H. (1997). Korallen der unteren und mittleren Kreide in Europa: Diversität, Variabilität und Verbreitungsmuster. Workshop Modellierung sedimentärer Systeme. Universität Tübingen. Iphofen, Germany, 1997. - Talk.
- Löser, H. (1996). Datenbanken in der paläontologischen Forschung - technische Spielerei oder unverzichtbares Werkzeug ? - Terra Nostra, 96/6: p. 57.
- Gradzinski, M, Kolodziej, B. , Löser, H. & Szulc, J., (1996). Mikrobiality zelaziste z cenomanu Saksonii. Materialy V. Krajowego Spotkania Sedymentologów, Warszawa, 17-21. 06. 1996, p. 8P.
- Gradzinski, M., Kolodziej, B., Löser, H. & Szulc, J. (1995). Cenomanian microbialites from Saxony, Germany. [Fifth International Cretaceous Symposium.] - abstracts, p. 121
- Löser, H. (1995). Hermatypic Coral Distribution in the Cretaceous. [Fifth International Cretaceous Symposium.] - abstracts, p. 133. Poster.
- Löser, H. (1995). Die Struktur taxonomischer Daten in der Paläontologie und ihre Verarbeitung in einer Datenbasis. Jahrestagung. Deutscher Arbeitskreises für Mathematische Geologie und Geoinformatik. 1992. Freiberg, Germany - Talk.
- Löser, H. (1991). Morphology and taxonomy of the genus Pseudopolytremacis (Octocorallia). [VI Symposium on fossil Cnidaria and Porifera] - Abstracts, p. 53. Talk.
- Turnsek, D. & Löser, H. (1991). The history of Mesozoic coral research after 1940. [VI Symposium on fossil Cnidaria and Porifera] - Abstracts, p. 91. Talk.
- Löser, H. & Lathuilière, B. (1991). Data Banks in Palaeontology and the Need for Standardization. [VI Symposium on fossil Cnidaria and Porifera] - Abstracts, p. 53. Talk.
- Löser, H. (1991) Databank Application in Paleontology. Poster and Computer Presentation.VI Symposium on fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. 9-14 September 1991. Münster, Germany. - Poster and Computer presentation.
- Löser, H. 1987. Probleme bei der Bearbeitung kretazischer Korallen. Paläontologie-Tagung der Gesellschaft für geologischen Wissenschaften. Greifswald, Germany. - Oral.
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10 October 2015