Web Catalogue of the Hippuritoidea (rudist bivalves)

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Bosnia-Herzegovina, Visegrad
"environs of Visegrad" - lower

Country : Bosnia-Herzegovina
Region : Visegrad
Outcrop : "environs of Visegrad" - lower
References : SLISKOVIC 1974
Stratigraphy : Turonian upper - Coniacian
Distefanella heraki SLISKOVIC 1968b
Distefanella hrasnica SLISKOVIC 1968b
Distefanella montagnei SLISKOVIC 1968b
Distefanella salmojraghii PARONA 1911c
Durania spadai PARONA 1912a
Hippurites exaratus ZITTEL 1865
Radiolites lusitanicus BAYLE 1857
Radiolites praegalloprovincialis TOUCAS 1908a
Radiolites praesauvagesi TOUCAS 1908a
Radiolites radiosus ORBIGNY 1842c
Radiolites sauvagesi HOMBRES-FIRMAS 1838a
Radiolites trigeri COQUAND 1859
Vaccinites praegiganteus TOUCAS 1904a

Updated 07.01.02 - © Thomas Steuber.