Web Catalogue of the Hippuritoidea (rudist bivalves)

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France, Aude
Cubières-sur-Cinoble - Fourtou: SE de la côte 715 (P.S. 71)

Country : France
Region : Aude
Outcrop : Cubières-sur-Cinoble - Fourtou: SE de la côte 715 (P.S. 71)
References : ASTRE 1957a
Stratigraphy : Turonian middle - upper
Hippuritella resecta DEFRANCE 1821
Hippurites primordialis - Toucas
Hippurites requieni MATHERON 1842a
Vaccinites inferus DOUVILLÉ 1891b
Vaccinites petrocoriensis DOUVILLÉ 1891b

Updated 07.01.02 - © Thomas Steuber.